Friday, September 21, 2007

Cecelia and the C-Team is going the extra mile to fight breast cancer!

A message from Cecelia Ottenweller

Hello all!

The C-Team is walking for the Komen Walk for the Cure event this year in downtown Houston on Saturday, October 6. That's just a few weeks away!

As most of you know, I'm doing my "second tour of duty" with breast cancer. I was rediagnosed with a small local metastasis (the nasty "M" word) in June during my six month follow-up after last year's battle. So, I'm bald and beautiful again. Yay. The good news is that my lymphnodes were clean when they did the mastectomy, so my prognosis is very, very good.

But, I'm only one of millions struck by this disease, frankly. One in every eight women are struck by breast cancer... And me and my "bosom sisters" are being diagnosed younger and younger every year. This isn't solely a women's disease either - I actually know 3 male survivors!

Having cancer is a powerless feeling. You're overwhelmed by something you honestly don't have any control over - but the truth is that, collectively, we DO have some control and donating to organizations such as Komen is one way of gaining that control. Komen donates oodles of money to research every year and is responsible for the development of the drug Herceptin, a true miracle drug that has helped women who previously had limited tools to fight their particular cancers. So, if you don't donate to Komen, please donate to one of the other fine organizations that support breast cancer research!

We'd love to have you join us on the walk. We have a grand time, throwing pink beads to other participants, dressing funny, making and meeting friends along the walk - and it's all for a good cause. Make a pledge, grab your walking shoes and come do an easy 3 mile walk with us...but keep your hair. I get jealous if anyone else is bald:)

All love,


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